An uncommon plant that occurs in NE Illinois, west central Illinois, and SW Illinois. It is adventive from the west in most, if not all, of these areas. It is possible, however, that Maximilian's Sunflower is native to a few of the western counties where it occurs in high quality natural habitats. Habitats include rocky upland prairies, hill prairies, ledges of rocky cliffs, areas along railroads and roadsides, and waste ground. This plant is more common in states that lie west of the Mississippi River. The preference is full sun and mesic to dry conditions. The soil can contain clay-loam or rocky material. This plant appears to have few problems with pests or foliar disease.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Little Rays of Sunshine
An uncommon plant that occurs in NE Illinois, west central Illinois, and SW Illinois. It is adventive from the west in most, if not all, of these areas. It is possible, however, that Maximilian's Sunflower is native to a few of the western counties where it occurs in high quality natural habitats. Habitats include rocky upland prairies, hill prairies, ledges of rocky cliffs, areas along railroads and roadsides, and waste ground. This plant is more common in states that lie west of the Mississippi River. The preference is full sun and mesic to dry conditions. The soil can contain clay-loam or rocky material. This plant appears to have few problems with pests or foliar disease.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lilium Oriental Hybrid
Monday, August 23, 2010
Fall Fireworks
Anemones are long-lived, fibrous-rooted perennials that are native to China. The base of the plant is a dark green clump, which produces leaves covered with soft hairs. The low foliage clumps look nice from the moment they emerge in spring until frost enforces their dormancy. Graceful, branching stems grow 2-5 feet high. They display a charming appearance that masks a tough constitution. Plantings can survive considerable neglect. They will appreciate a good mulching in climates where winters are severe. Plants are slow to establish, but spread readily if the roots are not disturbed. Varieties such as white blooming 'Honorine Jobert' and double flowered, rose-red 'Pamini' are excellent for cutting. 'Prince Henry,' a double dark pink, 'September Charm,' a single pale pink, which is planted here at the gardens, and 'Queen Charlotte,' a semi-double pink are all commonly available.
USDA hardiness zone 4 to zone 8
Yum, Peanut Butter
There are number of these trees in our area, a very popular deciduous tree in Portland and in our neighborhood. I have two, one in the side garden and one in the back garden. The gardens across the street have two and two houses over there are two huge trees. When these trees ramp up into full bloom during the late summer/early fall it is an intoxicating fragrance like Jasmine that lingers through the neighborhood. Then if you bruise the leaves they have the odor of peanut butter. Later in the season when the flowers are finished blooming the calyxes turn a showy red, and ultimately, bright blue fruit. For which the birds, especially the robins love to eat. Its a non stop show with these trees. Native to Eastern China and Japan. Will grow in full sun to part shade and to a height of 15ft. to 20 ft. One thing to remember is this tree will sucker freely and you could end up with more than you want if you do not keep them under control. The other common names for these trees are Harlequin GloryBower and Peanut Butter Shrub.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sedums are a large genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae, members of which are commonly known as stonecrops. There are around 400 species of leaf succulents that are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, varying from annual and creeping herbs to shrubs that have water-storing leaves. Flowers tend to be in shades of pink, mauve, white, red and yellow that start out pale and deepen as they mature. Sedum flowers bloom only once; most late in the season. The bees absolutely love these plants.......No need for deadheading and they often look good right through the winter. After several years, the center of Sedum plants will show signs of dying out. Division is needed at that point, to keep the plant vigorous.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Pink Ballerinas in the Back Gardens
Nearly all fuchsia species come from the West Indies and Latin America, from Mexico and southwards. They are trees or shrubs with flowers borne singly or in racemes and bloom on new shoots. The wood is hard and the bark flaky. The hardiest species comes from southern Chile near the Straits of Magellan - Fuchsia magellanica - where the climate is damp and cool. Fuchsias grow in rock crevices and at the edges of forests where the soil is rich and well-drained. They also grow at high altitudes, the nearer the equator the higher the altitude, in misty cloud forests, cool but light. The magellanica fuchsias are the best winter hardy varieties that you can plant. In the wild, fuchsias are often pollinated by hummingbirds, but in Europe, it's mainly bees, bumble bees, and wasps. Wild fuchsia species are of a woody nature, ranging in their natural habitat from trees, such as Fuchsia excorticata, 30 feet or more high, to prostrate, creeping plants such as Fuchsia procumbens with small, petal-less, yellow/green/brown flowers. The majority are vigorous shrubs, found on high, rain-drenched, moisture laiden mountain slopes in the Andes or in dense, evergreen forests or jungles.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Rosa "Madame A. Meilland"
This Peace Rose is an original planting that was here when Will and I purchased Beech Street. Probably an original bush when it was first put on the market. I did not have the heart to remove it. It was so out of control, with a ten foot height and just as wide. I decided to spend a couple of years working on it to get it under control and getting new canes to come forth. The first year I removed about a third of the bush and the following year a little more like half. Now we have this beautiful rose bush with the most gorgeous flowers. Its a prize in the front garden.
Developed by French horticulturist Francis Meilland in the years 1935 to 1939. He had no name for it in the beginning, but simply called #3-35-40. When Meilland foresaw the German invasion of France he sent cuttings to friends in Italy, Turkey, Germany, and the United States to protect the new rose. It was undoubtedly the most beautiful hybrid tea rose anyone had ever seen. The rose became known as 'Peace' in the following way. Early 1945 Meilland wrote to Field Marshal Alan Brooke (later Viscount Alanbrooke), the principal author of the master strategy that won the Second World War, to thank him for his key part in the liberation of France and to ask if Brooke would give his name to the rose. Brooke declined saying that, though he was honored to be asked, his name would soon be forgotten and a much better and more enduring name would be "Peace". Over 100 million plants have been sold since the end of WWII.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Lilium paradalinum
Known as the panther lily or leopard lily this native of Oregon and California is a vigorous, clump-forming, rhizomatous true species lily, with strong stems bearing whorls of elliptic deep green leaves. Where it usually grows in damp areas. Typically it grows to about 3' to 3 1/2' tall, but known to reach 5' to 8'. The flowers are Turk's-cap shaped, red-orange, with numerous brown spots, usually flowering in mid summer to late summer.
I have a small group of these lilies back in the conifer area with the Lilium wigginsii. The colors are so rich and vibrant with the blending of the red, orange and yellow. I love the way the petals curl back and expose all the colors and spots. Another wonderful addition to grow here in a Great Pacific Northwest garden.
USDA hardiness zone 5 to zone 8
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Cistus- Worthy Shrub
I have been a fan of Cistus actually the whole rockrose family for years. Some of the best drought tolerant plants that you could ever plant in your gardens. I planted the Cistus salviifolious in place of the wonderful Matilija Poppy that I always wanted. There is a poppy planted down the street and that plant gets out of control. The number one need is lots of water, SORRY. I came across the salviifolious variety (first photograph) and stated on the tag that it is a substitute for the Matilija Poppy if you were wanting that style of flower. Worked for me........Include any of the rockroses in your gardens, they will not let you down.
USDA hardiness zone 6 to zone 9
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Got Common Milkweed?
A herbaceous drought tolerant perennial plant native to most of North America east of the Rocky Mountains contain a variety of 76 species. Plant in full sun to light shade and a bloom time from August to September. Flowers are a pink to lilac color. A favorite nectar source for butterflies and are host plants for caterpillars including Monarch butterfly larva.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Allium -Latin For Garlic
Allium, an interesting group of 750+ plants that are grown for decoration and cooking. Most grow in temperate climates of the northern hemisphere such as Asia, but there are a few that grow in Chile, Brazil or tropical Africa. Species grow in various conditions from dry, well-drained mineral-based soils to moist, organic soils; most grow in sunny locations but a number also grow in forests, or even in swamps / water. They vary in height between 6" to 6'. The flowers themselves come in a wide range of design as well as a great palate of colors such as purple, pink, maroon, red, white, blue, and yellow. The basic varieties of Allium that we are familiar with are garlic, onions, chives, shallots, leeks, and scallions.
I have planted a number of different varieties and have them blooming from early Spring to late Summer. The plants that I have chosen for the gardens are mostly the Mediterranean varieties due to the drought tolerant conditions here at Beech Street Gardens. If you have the opportunity to add them to your gardens DO..........They are a very delightful plant, Allium vineale, Allium siculum, and Allium christophii are just a couple of others that are a great addition to any gardens. They are truly showstoppers when in bloom. The Fall is the best time for planting. When you are picking out your other bulbs for planting this Fall add a couple of Alliums just for fun. You'll wish you had planted more.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Species Lilium wigginsii
A very pretty species lily that is growing in the back garden in the conifer area. Looks perfect up against dark green fir trees. A rare, little-seen lily from the Siskiyou Mountains of northern California and certain areas of Oregon where it grows in bogs and under redwoods.
The stems can reach 3' to 3 1/2' and flowers that are about 3" in diameter. Several hanging turkscap flowers of pure yellow, with little orange-brown spots all over the inside. The upright leaves clothe the stem. Lilium wigginsii takes partial shade to full sun in the north, give filtered shade in the south. In the garden keep the bulbs on the dry side and the roots damp for best results. In cold areas try a thick layer of mulch to protect the bulbs from freezing in the winter.
Naturally these beauties grow in streams with the bulb sitting above the summer water level and the roots down in the water. When the streams run high in winter the bulbs are often totally covered with cold but not frozen running water. They find places in the streams where rocks or tree roots keep them from washing away in winter storms. The seeds fall down into the pebbles and stones of the creek bank and take root.
If you are new to growing species lilies give Lilium pardalinum and Lilium pardalinum subspecies a try – I think you will be pleasantly surprised.